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November 09, 2007


A L Katcher

Don't know how this works, but was googling for "faffing and fiddling" and ran across a tale of going through three tunnels (in England I presume) in a boat, with two bikes on top; lost one, and with much "faffing and fiddling" hooked it up out of the water and recovered it. May i assume this little phrase refers to what as a resident of United States I'd speak of as "fiddling around?"

Little More

Yes, A L Katcher, fiddling around is very much akin to faffing. The whole palaver with the bikes in the tunnel would be an excellent example of world class faffery, brought on by an unfortunate incident (crashing like a dullard into the side). And it is worth remembering that none of this would have happened had I not decided to spend five months of my life faffing around on a narrowboat. The very joys of life are, as I have discovered, to be found in faffing about y'know.

Thank you for reading, and, just out of interest, why on the Great Green Planet Earth were you Googling for "faffing and fidling"?

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