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September 04, 2007



Debs.... please don't kill alan - we like him!

great story tho!


Numb-lestiltskin!! having. that. one.!

ace story. youse two are both teh_awesomest. Hope you have defrosted now - lots of love and warm blankets to you both xxx

Andrew Beacock

Debs, your descriptions get better and better, wasn't sure if I was reading a blog or a novel for a moment back there..

And this is classic:

"invigorated to death"

Love it! :)

James Robbins

What you want to do debs, is steer your liitle boat off those canals, across the atlantic and into teh St Lawrence saeway. Then take a right up the rideau canal, where there are several deep locks to keep your hand in, and take a dip in the Ottawa river. It's very refreshing, almost warm! Lake Nipissing was almost tropical you know. I'd recommend it! Alan wouldn't almost die in there. See my beach and canoeing blog entries for more.
Yours gloatingly
James x


I've finally caught up! you make me LARFF!
I can really feel the extent of the cold from my experience of our swim in the sea off the Gower Penninsula in May, and your descriptions took me right back there. I seem to remember Al and Toast were great at thawing out numb digits!
And now I know why Al didn't come swimming with us on that occasion!

Speak soon


I larfed so much that I can't see anything now!

Love you both xxxxx

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