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September 12, 2007


Andrew Beacock

Still not come... Chelle is getting fed up!


Ace story. I want chilli now. Good luck to Chelle...

Yeah! torches are for losers.

*falls down large hole*


All the best chelle!

Right... polly and the whole not-using-torches 'thang'...her brother is the same - if you are ever in cumbria, i'll show you the river he fell in... twice. Its not big and its not clever - use a torch


oh yeah i'd deffo use one in cumbria - just don't find you generally need one in the neon haze of a city. And my brother had been drinking rather a lot on the occasion of the double river-falling-in so i think quoting this story is a little unfair on torchless wanderers! But anyway, yeah, don't try this at home kids, or something.

James Robbins

Fab,I Love spooky cuttings, stewed murder evidence with baked potatoes, rock 'n roll in a village hall and places where birds and trees are in charge. Hope the baby is worth the wait for it's family! Love James

iain smith

love the story, love chilli to.Shropshire is of course one of the most haunting if not haunted counties in Britain. It sounds like a wonderful location.

iain smith

love the story, love chilli to.Shropshire is of course one of the most haunting if not haunted counties in Britain. It sounds like a wonderful location.

iain smith

love the story, love chilli to.Shropshire is of course one of the most haunting if not haunted counties in Britain. It sounds like a wonderful location.

iain smith

love the story, love chilli to.Shropshire is of course one of the most haunting if not haunted counties in Britain. It sounds like a wonderful location.

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