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August 02, 2007


Andrew Beacock

You poor things, sounds like a right pain in the backside, good job the two of you were so quick thinking in getting the bike out again!

Sorry to hear about your ankle, glad you got it sorted out, how does it feel now?

James Robbins

Wow, Al is my hero too!
At least you'll rememver the tunnel and appreciate the bike for ever now.
Hope the ankle hurts less soon
J & K


What heroes you both are! And with such fine balance, co-ordination and quick wittedness you should go far (well, all the way to London by November). I hope your arms don't ache too much, that you avoid a later-life onset of "fear of the dark" and that your ankle doesn't hurt. I also hope Alan has recovered from his bout of Tourette's syndrome.

Glad James approved of the photo of me and canal. It did occur to me that whilst there was plenty of water in view, thereby proving you are not completely landlocked, there wasn't much of the boat in the picture. Therefore it is possible to argue that I could be sitting on a bridge or other inanimate object, and therefore, still not QUITE proving that you are indeed on a narrow boat.

Fortunately James didn't pick up on that one!

Thanks for top tip about radio debate the other day; very interesting.

I hope your progress South is - progressing without injury. Looking forward to hearing about Dalmations.

Love Louise xx

Green Fairy

Adventures! Heroes, indeed!
Lots of Love, xx

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