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July 20, 2007


James Robbins

I hope you've been rescued by the water board, the Rochdale locals or prised the gates open with your barge pole by now (Saturday tea time). After all you're on a tight schedule and have meetings with people driving short distances to meet you on random tow paths. And if you're not there, there'll be Hell to Pay!

And those people, well they'd just have to drive a short distance home again! Lou might even be one of them, and then i'd hear about it.

Enjoy Love James and Kal

PS The view out of your left window a couple of days ago, Pretty as it was, could have been taken from the land or a cottage or anywhere. Not suggesting you're making it up or snyhting, but i want to see some water out of your windows to prove you're on teh canals. It doesn't seem mutch to ask, hope i'm not being too demanding.

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