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July 07, 2007



Awww bless ((((Debs))))

don't brick it - you two are gonna have a great time


Don't fear the bat. Not in this country anyway. Maybe in South America, where they are ferocious rabid beasts, but the British bat is a mild-mannered individual which prefers to sip tea and eat cucumber sandwiches. The other good thing about them is they eat midges, which really are bastards.

anyway, so yeah - what toast said! have an ace time, all the best xxx


I'm dead excited for you both! You'll have a great time being water-hippies (which are different to hippos) befriending bearded boaters and exchanging stories of lock navigation and wild encounters of the natural kind.

Looking forward to catching up with you, which shouldn't be hard as you'll only be moving at 4mph.

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